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Trenholm Little League


Trenholm Little League Local Rules

Other than local rules linked below, all games will be played by the rules as given in the Official Little League Rulebook.

The below listed or linked rules are used to augment the Little League International Rulebook. It is highly recommended that Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and any parents inquiring about rules download the Little League  International Rulebook App. This App is available for FREE in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

A detailed document that outlines all of the TLL Local Rules is available here as a pdf.

Below are common rules that come up regularly.

Bat Rules
For comprehensive information concerning bats permitted for use by Little League, please visit
Bat Rule Summary
• TeeBall and Junior CP – must use a USA Bat. Players may use USA bats that say “ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEE BALLS”
• CPBB, Minors, and Majors Baseball – must be a USA Bat.
     o Solid, one-piece wooden bats without a USA stamp may be used
     o Bats that say ““ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEE BALLS” may NOT be used
• Intermediate and Juniors Baseball – must be a USA Bat OR a BBCOR bat
     o Solid, one-piece wooden bats without a USA stamp may be used
     o Bats that say ““ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEE BALLS” may NOT be used
• Softball – Bats with a BPF of 1.2 are allowed. This includes USSSA bats or all-wood bats.

Maximum Runs Per Inning
Coach Pitch Baseball - 5 per inning in innings 1-5. Unlimited in 6th
Coach Pitch Softball - 5 per inning in innings 1-5. Unlimited in 6th
Minors Baseball - 4 per inning in innings 1-5. Unlimited in 6th. Also, if time elapses at the top of an inning, that inning will have unlimited runs in the top and bottom of the inning. 
Minors Softball - 4 per inning in innings 1-5. Unlimited in 6th. Also, if time elapses at the top of an inning, that inning will have unlimited runs in the top and bottom of the inning. 
Majors Baseball - no inning run limit
Majors Softball - no inning run limit
Intermediate Baseball - no inning run limit

Run Rule or Mercy Rule for Ending Games
A Coach Pitch, Minors, or Majors Baseball or Softball game shall be ended by a "Run Rule" if 
- after 3 innings a team is up by 15
- after 4 innings a team is up by 10
- after 5 innings a team is up by 8

An Intermediate Baseball game shall be ended by a "Run Rule" if 
- after 4 innings a team is up by 15
- after 5 innings a team is up by 10
- after 6 innings a team is up by 8

Baseball Pitch Count Limits:
Maximum Pitches in a Game
Age 13-14 players = 95
Age 11-12 players = 85
Age 9-10 players = 75
Age 8 players = 50

If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs:
1. That batter reaches base
2. That batter is put out
3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning

Days of Rest. 
Number of Pitches Thrown = Days Rest Required
0-20 pitches = 0 days rest
21-35 pitches = 1 day rest
36-50 pitches = 2 days of rest
51-65 pitches = 3 days of rest
66+ pitches = 4 days of rest

Catching and Pitching
A player that pitches 41 or more pitches in a game CANNOT play catcher in that same game. A player can catch a maximum of 3 innings if they intend to also pitch in that game; If a player starts a 4th inning as the catcher (even one warm up pitch) they cannot pitch in that game.

Coach Pitch Baseball and Softball Rule for "Calling Time"

The ball becomes dead and the umpire will call time when-

o A batted ball comes in contact with the pitcher coach. The batter shall be awarded first base and runner(s) may only advance if forced.
o A thrown ball comes in contact with the pitcher coach, the ball is dead. Any runner(s) who have crossed the hash marks shall be awarded the base they were going. If the runner(s) have not crossed the hash marks they will return to the last base occupied.
o A player injured. Any runner(s) who have crossed the hash marks shall be awarded the base they were going. If the runner(s) have not crossed the hash marks they will return to the last base occupied. (NOTE: If a base runner is injured, the last retired batter will replace the runner.
o When the defense has control of the ball within the baselines and the player with the ball raises his/her hands and calls “time”. Any base runners completely beyond the ½ way line and advancing to an unoccupied base prior to time being called may advance to the next base. Any base runners not completely past the ½ way line must return to the previously occupied base.
o When all runners are not attempting to advance. When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance”.

Coach Pitch Baseball and Softball Overthrow Rule
Runners may advance one (1) base on an overthrown ball to any base (or to the pitcher), at their own risk. Once they have reached that next base safely, they may not advance further during the same play, even if another overthrown ball occurs.

If a runner is attempting to advance and a defensive player recovers an overthrown ball and calls “time” within the basepaths before the runner reaches the ½ mark, the runner shall be given the base they were advancing towards.


Trenholm Little League

PO Box 6783 
Columbia, South Carolina 29260

Email: [email protected]

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